It seems that every business selling replica tram scrolls in Australia was the original replica tram scroll manufacturer. We lay no such claims. On a visit to a relative’s house in Sydney we couldn’t help but notice the original South West London bus scroll. It was enormous and took pride of place in the dining room of their gorgeous home. It was all the more attractive because it listed all of the places where they lived during their 8 year stint in Blightey. It was then we found out that there were companies producing replicas in Australia.
We now live in Switzerland and we love the idea so much that we are forcing it on the Swiss and the expats living here. We have also launched the business in Germany, and as you are reading this, you know, in Australia. Having looked at the other sites and researched the old tram and bus scrolls it is actually quite amazing to discover that the replicas don’t really resemble the originals but they are none the less nice lists of places. We Australians are very proud of where we live, and being ourselves uprooted from our beloved Australia, we can say with very good reason.
Our canvas scrolls are both a more genuine look the bus and tram blinds of the past, and also a complete divergence from these formats. After all a stark black and white artwork is not to everyone’s taste. We believe that bus and tram scrolls are more about the identification someone has to a list of names or places and so we have applied artistic license to that notion and come up with different fonts, backgrounds and colours.
Being late to market as it were, we try harder. Our designs are unique and try to reflect the character of the places on the canvas. Sorry we can’t make our prices any lower, they less than most of our our competitors.
We hope that you enjoy our take on replica bus and tram scrolls as well as our other stuff. Please let us know if you have any ideas that you would like to have a crack at, we would love to hear from you.
Marcus and Claudia Bawden